Criteria for Awarding Building Markers

The Mobile Historic Development Commission awards Historic Building Markers for the purpose of making the public aware that a building is an important element of the city's built environment. It may be of historic importance or be a local example of a particular architectural style. The Marker program also awards good stewardship; a building must be well restored or maintained to qualify for marking.

The Marker is composed of two separate parts - the banner and the shield. The banner displays the construction date(s) of the building as well as the names of the original and current owners. The shield represents the six flags that have flown over Mobile - those of France, Great Britain, Spain, the Republic of Alabama, the Confederacy, and the United States.

The criteria for awarding Mobile Historic Building Markers are as follows:

  1. The building must be a contributing building located in a historic district listed on the National Register of Historic Places as well as in a locally designated historic district, or be individually listed or eligible for individual listing on the National Register of Historic Places;
  2. The building must be at least seventy-five (75) years old (or if individually listed on the NRHP, fifty (50) years old);
  3. The building must be researched and the original owner and construction date must be documented by the Mobile Historic Development Commission staff;
  4. The building's exterior must be restored or properly maintained in accordance with its historical style and character;
  5. All changes and alterations to the building's exterior must be consistent with its historic architectural style and character;
  6. In the event that a building has been moved from its site, it must retain a sense of its historic architectural style and integrity;
  7. All restoration and rehabilitation work to the building must generally conform to the Secretary of Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation and Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings.

Please note:

Review Board criteria meet minimum architectural standards, thus their approval does not necessarily qualify the rehabilitation to receive a marker. When applying to the Board, it is helpful to alert the Review Board to your goal of obtaining a marker.

Replacement Banners and Shields: Generally the structure should exhibit superior maintenance and have had no alterations violating the program's criteria since the original marking. However, alterations replacing missing documented elements are strongly encouraged.

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